Diese App erlaubt Ihnen, durch das komplette Sortiment von ESSER zu navigieren ohne mit dem Internet verbunden zu sein.
Sie können ganz einfach Materiallisten zusammenstellen und bei Bedarf versenden.
Und Dank des Update-Mechanismus kann die App das Sortiment - bei bestehender Internet-Verbindung - stets aktuell halten.
Momentan unterstützte Produkte:
- Fire Alarm panels
- Power Supplies for Fire Alarm and Detection Systems
- Display and Operating Units for Fire Alarm and Detection Systems
- Fire Alarm Panel Network Components
- Automatic Fire Detectors
- Manual Call Stations
- Fire Alarm Transponders
- Wireless Components for Fire Alarm Detectors
- Alarm Devices
- Door Release Systems
- Management Systems
- Voice Alarm Systems
Als ein innovativer Systemlieferant ist ESSER ein technologiegetriebens Unternehmen, das sich zur Einhaltung höchster Standards verpflichtet.
This app allows you to navigate through the full range of ESSER without being connected to the Internet.
You can easily compile material lists and send your recordings.
And thanks to the update mechanism allows the app, the range - when an Internet connection - always keep up to date.
Currently supported products:
- Fire alarm panels
- Power Supplies for Fire Alarm and Detection Systems
- Display and Operating Units for Fire Alarm and Detection Systems
- Fire Alarm Panel Network Components
- Automatic Fire Detectors
- Manual Call Stations
- Fire alarm transponder
- Wireless Components for Fire Alarm Detectors
- Alarm Devices
- Door release system
- Management Systems
- Voice Alarm Systems
As an innovative system supplier ESSER is a technology getriebens company that agrees to comply with the highest standards.